The Maman Adolophine Reference Health Center is a health facility located in Tshibata, in the Kansasa health zone, in the province of Eastern Kasai, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This health structure is the initiative of Madame Adolophine Mpunga Lukabu, the Princess of this village, in memory of her ancestors from the Bakwa Kalonji region. Its aim is to provide quality healthcare services to orphans, vulnerable women, and all the village populations that depend on the Kansasa health zone, as well as to the Friends of Mulunda and Georgette Foundation members, abbreviated as FLAMEG/NGO.

To meet the current challenges in the field of health worldwide, in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aiming for universal health coverage for all, and according to the vision of the head of state of the DRC, a strategy was envisioned to develop this once prosperous area which is now experiencing increasingly advanced degradation. This approach has led to the conception of this project to build new hope. Among its major strategic orientations, the priorities include implementing the project to create the Maman Adolophine Reference Health Center.

With this project, we want to address the current health challenges. We want to bring a special touch to the care of patients (orphans, the elderly, destitute young girls, and others) from Tshibata, particularly by emphasizing aspects related to research, prevention, awareness, and screening for diseases in the community, and the use of a flat-rate pricing system that can increase health coverage for different social layers in the Eastern Kasai province.

The structure will bring about a change by generally ensuring preventive, curative, and promotional care for common diseases; raising awareness, screening, and specific management of certain pathologies that contribute to morbidity and mortality in the village; the analysis of data for the creation of a disease database, and the use of flat-rate pricing that matches the income of the population.

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